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Possibility of bringing MCO type game back

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:59 pm
by Guest
I am posting this because I have been following the message boards at various game sites and have been seeing what game makers are doing for driving simulation games. I have also been doing research on the game industry in general and I ran across something interesting. There is a company called Perpetual Entertainment that is currently developing and publishing two massive multi-player online games(MMPOG). Not only are they making these, but that is their focus. For a game like MCO to return it is going to take a company that is looking to make these types of games to pull it off. I think the MCO concept needs to be brought to their attention, but I think it has to be done professionally. I do not think flooding them with individual e-mails is a very good idea. What I recommend is a form letter, with all interested parties placing their name on it. I think it needs to be short, sweet, and to the point. It needs to convey what MCO was and that we would all be paying participants in a revival of such a game. I am looking to see what all of you out there would think of doing this. I can do the form letter, but it will take quite a few of us to get the word out on the boards to get support. I would recommend focusing on the driving game boards first, such as EA’s NSFMW page. Some games are only for consoles so I would go there next. Lastly, I would go after any miscellaneous game boards that are for MMPOG games. The more support that can be made for a concept like MCO the more likely they will hear us and maybe even consider a driving simulation project like MCO. I have also listed this on the MCO Community board at MSN Groups.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:23 pm
by Midtown Guy
A form letter. thats just what I was thinking. I've always thought it was dumb to send hate mail to EA asking for the game back.


on the other hand, a business will not want to read a long letter when they have a indox full of feedback/comments from customers. I like your idea about short and sweet, it sounds good. I think we have better hope in a gaming company to make a game rather then someone to get mco running or the community "making" a game (Route 66)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:39 pm
by Calabrio
You guys get to work on that, I'm going to go make a sandwich.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:03 am
by LtoidKing
Calabrio wrote:You guys get to work on that, I'm going to go make a sandwich.
Teftover turkey? Got any extra for me?